Deep Space DaN
FH code party ich

micro howto's

screen - my screenrc
muttrc_dan - muttrc - headers - mutt_colours - keybind
large file system support for reiserfs

some skripts

Oracle 8.x|9.x Start Skript for SuSE. with small modifications on other Distributions running
simple and fast skript to make all filenames lowercase|uppercase
renames,sortes your *jpg files, optional with modified date/time stamp
/bin/sh script which stripes whitespaces recursivly out of files and directorys

Diploma Thesis

YAGI(yet another ghost installer) - boots via LAN (PXE) and clones your harddrive to an ftp-server.
Needfull Resources for installation you will find here.
A short overview and some screenshots you can find here.

Sourceforge projects and others

creates a webalbum from your digicam photos
FH Online Stats
FH Online Statistik for Room 511 (UNIX / W2K) - temporarily offline
project started from a good friend of mine.

support developer

mp3 webalbum
MP3 based webalbum. programmed on one weekend with a good friend in munich. (hy mac :-)
still some bugs since one year. Haven't got found the time to fix it.
iptables netfilter (non-core-team)
- 10 points for Netfilter testsuite fixes patch
- 5 points for ipv6 patch for netfilter CVS
- 7 points for IPv6 queue handler

last modified - 01:00:00 - 01.01.1970